Sarasota Criminal Defense Lawyer
Attorney Providing Effective Defense For Criminal Charges
Fighting a criminal charge is vital to maintaining your freedom if you have been arrested for a serious crime. If you or someone you know is facing such charges, it is imperative to retain a highly qualified Florida criminal defense attorney to represent you and protect your rights. At Bogle Law you will find a knowledgeable and aggressive lawyer with years of experience defending his clients for their criminal charges. As a former State Prosecutor, Attorney Bogle knows both sides of the legal process and can better serve you when it comes to preparing a defense strategy. Our legal staff will meet with you to discuss the circumstances surrounding your case and provide you with options for your defense.
Being convicted of a criminal offense carries harsh penalties which can include fines, probation, jail time and in some cases mandatory drug or anger management counseling. Don’t risk the dire consequences when you can have our office provide you with an excellent defense. Our skilled criminal defense lawyers are knowledgeable in handling the following cases:
Attorney Tauna Bogle Defending Criminal Charges
If you or a loved one has been charged or arrested for a crime, you can be sure there will be aggressive investigation and prosecution from the Florida law enforcement community. It is vital to have legal counsel when this occurs, as you are entitled to know your rights and defend yourself against any charges. To avoid a conviction that could affect your future prospects, contacting Bogle Law is one of the most important actions you can take.
If facing serious criminal charges, don’t delay in contacting Bogle Law immediately!