Florida’s Hemp law & Searches based on Odor… Is that marijuana that I smell…or hemp? On July 1, 2019, Senate Bill 1020 a/k/a the ...
This question is asked over and over when someone is arrested and accused of a crime. The Answer is really: Can I afford NOT to ...
Can my teenager be deemed a Sex Offender? Yes! Imagine that your high school senior son has a new girlfriend; she is a sophomore. ...
Our United States Constitution became effective on March 4, 1789. A cornerstone of the United States Constitution is the right to ...
Florida’s Saw Palmetto plants are defined as “Commercially Exploited Plants”. Florida Statute 581.185 (c) makes it illegal from ...
The imposition of a Domestic Violence Injunction is a Civil Court proceeding. However, oftentimes it intersects with criminal ...